Plyometric training is designed to produce quick, yet powerful muscle contractions. This type of training is extremely important for athletes because you can mimic many different sport specific motions with these exercises. The combination of both speed and strength equals power!
A key physiological component of this type of exercise is the transition of specific muscle fibers. There are many different types of muscle fibers in your body, but the two main ones are referred to as Type I and Type II. Type I fibers, or slow twitch, are used more for endurance type activities such as running, swimming, or cycling. Type II fibers, or fast twitch, are used for quick bursts such as jumping, throwing, and in this case, the golf swing.
In general, the lower extremity muscles are more likely to be associated with plyometrics simply because the original intention of these exercises were to help with jumping ability. However, a powerful golf swing needs strength to be developed in the upper extremities and the core. Golfers need to focus on all areas.
Want to try? A great plyometric chest exercise is in the video above. Perform the movement for 30 second intervals. Repeat after 2-5 minutes of rest.
Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. With a slight bend in your knees, bend at the hips until your chest is parallel with the ground. Holding a medicine ball at your chest, press it into the ground with an explosive movement through your thumbs and palms. Catch the ball on it's return bounce and perform this motion repetitively for 30 seconds. Rest for 2-5 minutes and repeat 3 times.