Preventing Dehydration We have all felt the effects of dehydration at one point or another - stress, agitation, forgetfulness, just to name a few.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the most effective way for you to check your hydration is through a quick urine check. Pale yellow corresponds with proper hydration, while darker yellow means it has been too long since you have hydrated. While everyone's needs are different, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that men drink 15.5 cups of water a day, and women drink 11.5 cups a day. We go back to the Mayo Clinic for sound words of advice to creating lifelong hydration habits:
Keep it visible. Try bringing a water bottle with you when you leave the house, or place a note to drink a glass of water on your fridge or nightstand.
Give it flavor. Try adding lemon or other fruits to sweeten your drink. It will add extra nutrients to your sip, which can boost your bill of health beyond hydration. Win-win!
Eat water-dense foods. As much as 20 percent of a person's daily fluid intake can come from food. Raw foods such as berries, celery and cucumbers can be a main source.
Set a sip time. Humans are creatures of habit. Make it a routine to take a drink of water before a meeting, a meal or whenever you start a new activity throughout the day.
Drink before you eat. Meals provide an easy opportunity for extra water, so try to sip through the meal or drink a glass of water before you start. Thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger, so this trick could even help slim your waistline.
Repay what you owe. You're constantly losing water — through perspiration, urination and even breathing. Try taking small sips throughout the day, and add a glass after any exercise or outdoor activity in the heat.
Fall in love with taking care of yourself.
Mind. Body. Spirit.