When it comes to being an athlete, flexibility and mobility are often times intertwined. While both are extremely important, they are two very different things. Flexibility is the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to lengthen passively through a range of motion. Whereas, mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through full range of motion.
MOBILITY WARM-UP Prior to playing a round, we want to warm up with a mobility routine that will prepare our joints for activity. This will allow you to unlock a full range of motion to perform a better swing. We will isolate three key areas of the body that are engaged in the golf swing: the hip complex, thoracic spine, and shoulder complex. To best warm these up, we want to work through exercises in all three planes of motion: front to back (sagittal), side to side (frontal), and rotational (transverse).
INCORPORATE STABILITY While doing this, you can take it a step further and incorporate stability exercises to engage your ankle, abdominal complex, and the scapulo-thoracic region. This will have your muscles engaged and ready for you to perform a controlled, more effective swing. EXAMPLE WARM-UP With a warm-up designed specifically to get you ready for golf, you can complete a pre-round routine in just 5-10 minutes at home or on the range.
360 Shoulder Mobility 2 Sets of 12 Reps Each Side
Single-Leg Windmill 2 Sets of 6 Reps Each Side
Single-Leg Hip Rotations 2 Sets of 6 Reps Each Side and Both Directions
Clamshells 2 Sets of 12 Reps Each Side
Single-Leg Bridge 2 Sets of 12 Reps Each Side
High Planks 2 Sets of 30 Second Holds
Prior to playing your next round, warm-up and focus on the complete range of movement in your hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders. Engage and stabilize your foot, abdominal complex, and the scapular region of the back, too!