Falling can be a serious and life changing event, especially for older adults. Thankfully, there are simple interventions to help reduce your risk of falling - and exercising is one of them!
Check out some of these fall statistics:

More than 1 out of 4 older adult over the age of 65 fall each year (2)
1 out of 5 falls results in serious injury (1)
Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury among adults (2)
More than 95% or hip fractures are caused by falling (1)
Falls threaten a person's independence. Because of this, there is a fear of telling others when you have fallen. This may cause you to limit your activities, which in turn, makes the situation worse. You become less socially engaged and ultimately experience a decline in strength and stability. We want to help you reduce common risk factors for falls. Here are a few things we look at:
Muscle weaknesses - specifically in the lower body
Foot problems - including pain, loss of sensation, and your choice of footwear
Medical conditions and medications - anything that may cause dizziness, vertigo, sleepiness, etc. (consult your doctor and/or pharmacist to address these issues)
Vision - need for more light and/or vision prescriptions
Environment - look for any trip or fall hazards in the home (rugs, slippery or uneven surfaces, even pets getting under toe)
Our team wants to help you stay active and healthy for as long as possible, so we are here to help you tackle the first thing on that list - muscle weaknesses! Lower body weakness increases your odds of falling, so we design routines that will work to improve your strength and balance to reduce your risk of falling. BALANCE To start with balance, perform exercises on a single leg, such as a single leg balance with reach. A simple exercise like this requires minimal joint motion and can be progressed with various unstable surfaces, like a pillow, or regressed by adding support, such as a chair. As your balance improves, moves become more dynamic through a full range of motion and with single-leg holds, such as a step-up to balance. STRENGTH Not only do we wish to increase your lower body strength, but we also want to improve your core strength. Core strength allows you to control and stabilize your body. Stabilization core exercises include planks, bird dogs, floor bridges, and marches. WANT TO GIVE IT A GO? Test your abilities with balance, core, and single-leg strength exercises. New to balance? Keep a chair close by for added support when needed. References:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Important facts about falls. Accessed online January 30, 2021. https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html
National Council on Active Aging. Falls Prevention. Accessed January 30, 2021. https://www.ncoa.org/healthy-aging/falls-prevention/